This trip was a "photographic shift" from my normal birding. Anticipation for birds was low because of migration. After two wonderful Harvest Host boondocking experiences on the way north, Rosie and I arrived at Muskallonge Lake State Park Campground near the coast of Lake Superior. Great campground! Accessed by driving north on 407 to Deer Park, it was paved from Newberry, but gravel for miles to the west when it becomes H58.

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore extends 42 miles from Grand Marais on its eastern end to its western end in Munising along the southern shore of Lake Superior. There is so much to see and experience, it would take weeks of exploration. It is a treasure!
Day One: A drive to Sable Falls with cameras. The sign said, "168 steps down to Falls." They lied. I counted. It was 198 steps! But the major cardio experience for this old dude was worth it! Added a short walk to the windy shoreline of Lake Superior. The images captured below were augmented upon return to the campground by a most spectacular sunset over Lake Muskallonge!
Day Two: A much longer drive took us west to Miner's Castle and Miner's Falls. The .6 mile walk felt more like a mile, and the usual underpromising of 40 steps turned out to be 55. But, boy it was worth it!
Day Three: A travel day, from Muskallonge to Cheboygan by way of Lower Tahquamenon Falls State Park. After lunch, Rosie and I walked out to the Falls. Kind folks offered to take our picture, and I worked with the camera and tripod, using an ND filter to take long-exposure shots of the falls. The trick was keeping the ever-present spray off the lens and filter. But, here they are. Oh, and you may notice that I did finally capture some Bald Eagles with chicks in their nest 😁. Mackinaw Mill Creek Campground gets the credit for a spectacular view of the Bridge and Mackinac Island from my campsite!