In my RV exploring life, I have made many new friends. Being known as a wildlife photographer seems a catalyst for suggested photo locations, and some of these friends hail from the state of Ohio. While I am a devout resident of Michigan, and sensitive to the tension between the two states during football season, after recommendations by new Ohio friends, my better judgement took hold and finally got me to NW Ohio. I set up camp at both Marblehead and Maumee Bay State Park.
Just east of Toledo is the huge Ottawa National Wildlife Complex, and even in mid-July, it's teeming with the kinds of critters I love to shoot! Included in the complex are several marshes: Howard Marshes 1 and 2, Metzger Marsh, Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, and Magee Marsh. The Visitor Center at Magee Marsh blew my socks off! (Well, just wearing shorts and sandals, but you know what I mean.) It is as beautiful and informative as any wildlife museum could be!
My tour actually began in Marblehead, near Catawba Island. Just driving in, I saw an eagle's nest. If you know me, you know that I love Bald Eagles and Ospreys as favorite birds to shoot. This trip did not disappoint! Even more were flying around the Ottawa Complex, so you know I had a good time. The marshes also served up a plethora of other beautiful creatures. Naming a few here so you can guess at some of the photos to follow.
American Bald Eagle
Great Egret
Great Blue Heron
Common and Forster's Tern
Northern Flicker
Red-headed Woodpecker
Black-necked Stilt
Both the Eagles and Ospreys in the gallery show young fledglings, who have found their wings and enjoy their new freedoms while continuing to live in the nest. It was fun watching a young pair of Ospreys as they practiced their flights away from the nest, and how they handled being attacked by a pair of Red-winged Blackbirds! They will eventually leave and start their own families. Both species mate for life and frequently return to the same nest after migrating.
Please enjoy the gallery and comment!