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Writer's pictureStephen Comstock

Drive By (photo) Shooting!

Two times I drove the 20 miles south of Socorro, New Mexico to have this great photographic experience! Once at sunrise, and again at sunset. Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. This wildlife protectorate is one of 568 refuges, run by the Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife services. In addition to the refuges, there are 38 wetland management districts that in total make up 95 million acres of land and 740 million acres of submerged lands and waters. Translation: Photographer's Dream!

Adding to my interest along this journey, I was surprised to see a bunch of antennas in the desert, which on further investigation turned out to be a VLA, or Very Large Array of radio telescopes as they're called. They're all part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, which had I stopped to investigate more, my journey would have lasted a lot longer. What they do is fascinating. It is a federally funded research and development center of the National Sciences Foundation, which designs, builds, and operates its own high-sensitivity radio telescopes for use by scientists around the world. Fascinating!

Anyway, back to the real purpose of this Blog. Among the subjects I found to shoot at Bosque del Apache were the following: Wild Turkeys (pretty one posing above), White-crowned Sparrow, Solitary Sandpiper, Snow Geese, Ruddy Duck, Red-winged Blackbirds, Northern Shovelers, Mule Deer, Killdeer (not a deer, but a shore bird), Javalina, Greater Roadrunner (beep-beep), Gambel's Quail, Coyote, Cinnamon Teal, Black-necked Stilt, and American Wigeon. Whew! Hope you have fun perusing the gallery of them all!



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