I've been lazy. Not in terms of photography, but more in failing to update this blog regularly. Apologies! Now, let's get started.
The last 10 missions (I know...) are divided into 3 parts. Starting with a combination of stops in places like Inspiration Point in Corona del Mar, a walk through Laguna Canyon, a visit to Laguna Niguel Regional Park, and a trip to Yucaipa to visit the regional park there including San Jacinto Wildlife Area. These all took place between late January and March 1.
Inspiration Point
I went out to Inspiration Point because it is a popular destination for landscape photography and folks who love the beauty of the coast and beach there. I took some pics on this rather gloomy day and these 3 survived:
Laguna Canyon
A bird watch group was taking a walk through Laguna Canyon, just up the road from Laguna Beach, so I decided to tag along. Another gloomy, rainy day, but a few interesting pics resulted. Acorn Woodpeckers and the storage system they used in dead trees, a Merlin, and a bee entering its hive in a similar dead tree.
Laguna Niguel Regional Park
A 5-minute drive from where I live in Laguna Hills, this park is an easy go-to destination for some occasionally fun shots. In the gallery below are American White Pelicans, an Osprey scanning for fish, a Black Phoebe, and a Yellow-rumped Warbler headed skyward.
Yucaipa Regional Park and San Jacinto Wildlife Area
A 50-mile drive through the multi-laned vehicular canyons east of Orange County brought me to Yucaipa. I decided to get a room up there and spend a couple days shooting at these locations. Timing was important at the park because on Tuesdays and Thursdays, there is usually fish-stocking. Fascinating that a particular Great Egret attends this function by-weekly, without fail.
Seen at the Park: Bald Eagle, White Pelican, Cormorant, Northern Mockingbird, Cassin's Kingbird, and the aforementioned Egret.
Seen at San Jacinto: Great-horned Owl, Loggerhead Shrike, Red-tailed Hawk, Western Meadowlark, and a posse of colorful lady riders touring the area.